Friday, December 31, 2010



Today, my 2nd day of normalcy, I notice the screeching more than before. I
notice the flavorlessness of the eggs a little less. And I even tap my toes to Johnny Cash.
In America, am I further away from my truth or closer to it?

Life here presents so many options. And with no one to know you, no one can place judgement that is of any consequence.

I start to find conversations frivolous and a little bit too long. I am hating NY less but strangeley i have been feeling less alone here...even though I am meeting with friends with whom I don't meet or speak often. If they can be called friends at all.

My usual fear of disappointing others is paralyzing.

I believe that after a woman has been burnt enough times her love is always wary and begrudgingly given to every man afterwards.

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